A Book of Simple Living

                                                       A book of simple living. 
                                                                                   Ruskin Bond 

Introduction Ruskin bond truly manages to win your heart every time. ''A Book Of Simple Living'' starts simply as the title suggests indicating how a writer emphasizes living simply and effectively. The book talks about some simple yet inspirational pleasures one might find in the foothills of the Himalayas. The book is definitely a gift to the human community by the writer if you want to find some simple peace between rustic pages.  There is no doubt about this book as it has been born and curated by Ruskin Bond's hand. The book talks about how simple yet delicate it is to live a life. I haven't really gotten the chance to read much of Ruskin bond but the more I read him the happier and more contended I get that there is someone who will make humans believe that there is more to life than today's rat race and that person is none other than Ruskin bond.

My Memory from the book- I read this book for the first time while traveling in the city, I used to read this daily in the metro and I marked a few bits from it that I'll always remember. While I was reading it I did paint the book black by underlining every beautiful line, there are additions of poems that took my heart. 

Few Things That Make The Book Worthy Of Your Time-  

  1. It is written in a journal form which makes it easier to read and comprehend. Also if we talk about books vocabulary is also easy to understand and relate to. 

  2. If you are stressed over something or want to feel the weight off your shoulders you can read this book as this book preaches peace and comfort it does work like a warm hug. 
  3. Because it's a very short read you can complete it very soon so you won't have the guilt of not being able to complete it or the anxiety of how much you have left to read. 

  4. If you are a sucker for mountains like I am, this is the exact piece you have to read as it does make you feel as if you are in the exact place.

  5. Somewhere there is also preaching of how simple yet delicate life is and how one can actually be in love with their life, you can learn a lot from this one. 


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