Grandma's bag of stories.. by Sudha Murthy

About the book-  

Whenever Sudha Murthy writes, she writes with an extraordinary cognizance around her that resonates with children. Maybe because she is in those roles in her real life or perhaps she has had beautiful childhood which gets reflected in most of her writing. Grandma's bag of stories is wonderfully written with a pinch of simplicity and sweetness dripping from it. The book starts with children coming to their grandparent's house which helps us in remembering our good old times. From her bag emerges tales of kings and cheats, monkeys and mice, bears and gods. Here comes the bear who ate some really bad dessert and got very angry; a lazy man who would not put out a fire till it reached his beard; a princess who got turned into an onion; a queen who discovered silk, and many more weird and wonderful people and animals. 

What 5 things I liked about the book? 

 1) I genuinely liked the easy-to-read pattern as it is written for children which makes it easy to read and easy to comprehend and it's a one-time read. You can gift it to any child as it's originally written for that age group but it is also a fun read for adults side-by-side. So neither of your head will be in chaos after reading this. 

2) You can get your copy from libraries so it's easy to locate and neither you have to lose your pocket for buying this book.
 In case you really want to buy this it's easy to locate at book markets or book fairs. Apart from that, you can also buy it from e-commerce websites like amazon and Flipkart. 

3)  Grandma's imaginative power is quite good for telling different stories which catch the attention of young folk. 
How imaginative grandma's stories are is a thing that will always astonish me, one can find so many animals talking, or concepts that include meeting with gods or weather.

4) The best part about all the stories is how there are people full of wisdom in the books. So it also contains lessons and proper teachings for children to learn and incubate in their daily routines. 

5) The beautiful thing I like was how grandmother always only allowed one story at a time so you are not allowed to listen to more than one story, that teaches patience, gratitude for what you get, and happiness from whatever you have. 
